SUREHANDS Rider Training Aid

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1.70 KGS
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SUREHANDS Rider Training Aid        surehands.png

The SUREHANDS device is the latest in innovative equestrian training aids -

New and improved design to ensure optimal handling

New Size: (H13cm / W13cm / D14cm)

Price: $125.00

Made in Australia by Jim Bradley Speedballs

Designed to train the muscles and core strength of the rider to correct posture and position. The muscle memory system means that once the body has built enough strength, the correct position can be achieved without the device; however it is recommended that SUREHANDS is part of the regular training regime to make sure bad habits do not return.

The SUREHANDS rider aid weighs approximately 1.7kg. This weight has been shown to develop the core muscles whilst not being too heavy and creating fatigue which can lead to poor posture.

Once your core muscles are engaged this will support the weight and balance of SUREHANDS.

  • SUREHANDS is suitable for all age groups and riding levels
  • Designed to develop balance, stability and correct position of the rider in the saddle
  • SUREHANDS can be used in walk, trot, canter and in lateral movements
  • Australian Designed and Made


2 Year Manufacturers Warranty On Materials Offered with Purchase



 Note: This amateur video was taken of this rider using the SUREHANDS Rider Aid for the first time 



5 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5

    Posted by Unknown on 30th Aug 2016

    I got this for my 11yo son who finds it hard to hold the weight up but he is determined!! with kids I would use for a short period of time, but adults should be able to sustain for a whole lesson

  • 5
    Brilliant Training Tool

    Posted by Judge/Coach on 18th Jul 2016

    Used the Surehands again today in a lesson, was it was good to give the rider the correct hand position in both height off the wither and width- thanks again !

  • 5
    Beneficial training tool

    Posted by Chris Sievers on 22nd May 2016

    Interesting development with students using the SUREHANDS Reminding them where the hands were and should be placed after using it! Only a short time after riding with the SureHands - hands arms elbows and upper body is in a lovely position as well as a better connection to the bit is happening. It confirms to the rider where the hands need to be placed along with the use of the upper body and it just aligns

  • 5
    Great help

    Posted by Heide Talbot on 9th Mar 2016

    My clients really love them. It has really helped a few ppl stay square and even in hands while working on connection from leg to hand.

  • 5
    Amazing product

    Posted by Rosemary on 9th Mar 2016

    It took a few rides to adjust to this product. I simply could not hold my hands flat the way I usually do! Huge improvement My instructor noticed a big difference straight away, which reassured me that I had made the right choice in purchasing the surehands